If you have ever felt uncomfortable in social situations or uncertain about what is expected, this workshop can help you gain the confidence you need. Communicating effectively doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it is a skill that can be learned. Reviewing some basic communication may improve your ability to make a meaningful connection with a co-worker, family member, or in your relationship that will help you to grow and take your interactions to the next level with confidence. Come and learn about social expectations in various settings, develop strategies and tips that will work for you, and learn how to feel more at ease.
Hosts: Letty Manzanares & Patricia Russell. Both Letty and Patricia are certified providers for the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®), developed at UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior. Letty and Patricia have worked in the field for over 15 years in various roles as Educators, Behavioral Specialist, Autism Specialists and are the Founders of StarPointe Consulting.
Cost: $25.00 per person
Please register by Monday, August 5, 2019
Upon registration, a confirmation email will be sent.
This workshop is appropriate for young adults aged 18+ and parents.