Dating and Relationship Coaching
Dating can be a fun way to get to know someone and to decide if you want to keep spending time together. There are a lot of different reasons why people might date. Many relationships begin through dating and dating can lead to friendships, short-term relationships, or even long-term committed relationships. Our curriculums addresses how dating relationships are common, normative, and developmentally-appropriate for young adults and adolescents and how to navigate not only how to date, but provides education about what counts as healthy versus unhealthy behavior in a dating relationship, helps the learners to get to know themselves as prospective dating partners and identify what they are looking for in a relationship, skills to minimize conflict and forms of abuse in dating relationships and how to get help as well as navigating the sexual aspects and the choice to become intimate with a partner - all through the lens of establishing healthy relationships (regardless of the form: emotional, intellectual, recreational, physical, etc.).
Parent workshops are offered to discuss dating, relationships and skills on how to support their young adult as they embark on this new exciting (and sometimes scary) chapter in their lives.
If you’re interested in learning more or getting started with your sessions, please submit your information below.
Our Other Services
Life Skills & Life Management
We work with our clients to establish a life road-map and all the skills necessary to live a successful life.
Career Development
With our career coaching, clients learn a variety of skills to prepare themselves for a successful career.